Calm Down, Get a Grip, & Don't Trip! God is in Control!


You Are Never Alone

Daniel 3:13-30

     Has there been a time when you felt like you are thrown in a pit of burning issues, trials, problems, pain, and confusion in your life? You search for a flowing spring of water while sparks of trouble, heartache, and pain sweep over your soul.  The flames are getting higher and hotter, and you reach for a quick fix of indulges.  Then our schedules become overwhelming; our bodies begin to wear down; people keep on dying; the money is funny, and everyone seems to be tripping. The fires in life do not discriminate.  Where do we go, or who do we turn to for relief? Do we panic, whine, get angry, or give up? Or do we reach for something to settle your nerves?

      In the text, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had to go through a blazing furnace. King Nebuchadnezzar commanded that everyone must either bow down and worship a huge golden idol or be thrown into a fiery furnace.  The three Hebrew men remained faithful, trusted God, and walked through the blazing furnace without being harmed or smelling like smoke.  They were not alone. The spirit of God was with them as they walked through the furnace. They calmed down, got a grip, and didn’t trip because they knew God was in control. They did not panic, whine, or give up.  They were unshakable in their faith.

     We must be unshakable in our faith as well and stand firm no matter what our circumstances.  All things are possible with God.  Therefore, before reacting or call your girlfriends, call on the Lord for direction or clarity. God will direct you to the right person for assistance.  If it matters to us, then it matters to God. He cares about every area in our lives. There is a solution to every problem. What seems impossible in the natural is possible in the spiritual with God.

      So, as you go through the flames of life, remember that God is in control.  Hold onto God’s powerful and unchanging hand and keep the faith.  Stand firm in God’s word and promises. In due time, the promises will come to pass.   No problem is too big for God to handle.  The situation that seems too difficult to handle, God knows how to handle with ease.  It’s easy to forget God’s love for us when we are in pain. But God’s love for us is everlasting. When you begin to struggle, that is when God gives you strength. Continue to pray until something happens.  God loves you and will always show up on time.  I challenge you to Calm Down, Get a Grip, and Don’t Trip because God is in control!



Arlinda Lindsay, M.Div, LCSW, LCAC

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