Calm Down, Get a Grip, & Don't Trip! God is in Control!
You are not alone. Daniel 3:13-30. Has there been a time when you felt like you are thrown in a pit of burning issues, trials, problems, pain, and confusion in your life? You search for a flowing spring of water while sparks of trouble, heartache, and pain sweep over your soul. The flames are getting higher and hotter, and you reach for a quick...
Empowerment » spiritual
Calm Down, Get a Grip, & Don't Trip! God is in Control!
You are not alone. Daniel 3:13-30. Has there been a time when you felt like you are thrown in a pit of burning issues, trials, problems, pain, and confusion in your life? You search for a flowing spring of water while sparks of trouble, heartache, and pain sweep over your soul. The flames are getting higher and hotter, and you reach for a quick...