Willpower is Not Enough. You need God's Power!
Willpower sure sounds like a beautiful thing. We are often told that if we have enough willpower, we will fight off every trial, challenge, and temptation that comes our way. At times it may work, yet, it may not work. Willpower can be our best friend when things go well, but this friend will check out when we get weary, just like the friend... -
Hang Up the Cape! Overcoming the Superwoman Syndrome.
Dear Superwoman, You feel tired, overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious. You feel a wound that is deeper than any words can express. You experience moments of resentment towards others. Then, you endure dark spells of sadness that cause you to cry, drown in your tears as you think about your fears. -
Calm Down, Get a Grip, & Don't Trip! God is in Control!
You are not alone. Daniel 3:13-30. Has there been a time when you felt like you are thrown in a pit of burning issues, trials, problems, pain, and confusion in your life? You search for a flowing spring of water while sparks of trouble, heartache, and pain sweep over your soul. The flames are getting higher and hotter, and you reach for a quick...